Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Belly.

Meet the belly. The belly is bashful. But she shouldn't be! Look at this gorgeous girl, in her eighth month of pregnancy no less.

The belly wishes to remain anonymous but has donated her bump to my photography efforts.

This belly ROCKS!!! It has to be said that any belly that can sport black leather and studs is one cool abdomen . . .

Thank you, anonymous belly-lady. You are truly beautiful inside and out. It won't be long before we get to meet the body inside the belly. YAY !!!! Next shoot will be entitled . . . the baby. Can't wait. XOXO

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Love is in the air . . .

My attempted Valentine shoot with Jack was eventful -- he only wanted to chew on my props (the shoes) and proceeded to barf all over his cute little Valentines shirt. But who couldn't LOVE this face?

He was all business and didn't crack much of a smile . . .
. . . . but finally!
Tell everyone you LUV them this week.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

All that I don't know, and a bit of what I do . . .

I am immersed in photography world! I spend all my spare time (albeit not very much, but still) looking at photography blogs or websites. I can't wait to fiddle in Photoshop . . . when I'm supposed to be sleeping, I'm thinking about color balance and levels and actions! I am feeling a bit excited and crazed, in a nice beer-buzz kind of way, about everything I'm learning. But I'm also overwhelmed by so much that I DON'T KNOW.

My nephew, Ray, lives in Saskatchewan. Yes, you hear me, Sas-katch-e-wan. This I do know: Saskatchewan is WAY TOO FAR AWAY for an Auntie. However, Ray was home for a good long visit at Christmas and I spent some time playing with my new camera on his sweet little face. In my recent attempts at learning how to process digital pictures, I have been putting together a collection of Ray for my brother and sister-in-law (sorry for the delay, guys).

I feel I must disclaimer these shots just a little. I took them in glaring sunlight in my family room - which (I must say) is a gorgeous color of rust. However, my lack of expertise (and my poor understanding of the light), rendered Ray's hair flourescent orange in a lot of the pics. Oops! And his hair is not even close to orange -- it's a delicious chocolate brown. But forget the hair, honey. The eyes!! You can't even describe Ray's eyes as anything else but SCRUMPTIOUS -- if his hair is of the milk chocolate variety, then his eyes are dark and way more than semi-sweet. I could just eat him up!!! See?

Even my increasing skill set in color balance cannot remedy the color casts (ooohhh -- see, a photography term) . . . but I couldn't help but post my beautiful Ray, orange-hued and all . . .

You can't describe Ray as anything other than darling. Really. And seeing my brother and my sister-in-law pour love for Ray out of every square inch of their beings is quite beyond words.

So for everything that I do not know, this is what I do: Ray-ray, I miss you. Love, Auntie Jenny.