I had a playdate the other day with two of my favorite children around. I know, I know, I seem to have a lot of favorites . . . but these two are close to my heart (even if they didn't know it).

In my other life, I worked with their Mom. In some ways, I think she is a softer, gentler version of me. With better hair.
Anyway, we have travelled a similar path in many ways and because of that, I feel like she understands me in a very specific way that not many can. We shared our first pregnancies (and some yoga poses at nine months that no one should have to witness), and we continue to share our first-, and now second-, born children as often as we can.
Hence, the photoshoot.
This is Princess Abigail Ariel (self-titled). Abby is one smart little cookie who kept me on my toes while I was snapping away. She chat-chat-chatted to me about all things truly important - proper princess behavior, ponies, and fairies (of course).

Thomas, on the other hand, was the strong but silent type. And the never-stay-still type. But hey, I can keep up! Here are a few shots that I did get in between the somersaults, blocks, and tractors.

As a Mom of two little boys, I love this one:

We did some major playing and I loved every minute of it. I may have not been on my best behavior, however, as Abby has since been informing people that I stood on the counter and moved the furniture all around! It's true.
This last one is my first attempt at some vintage processing (they are magic leaves, by the way). What does everybody think?

These two munchkins are of the sweetest, kindest, variety. Thank you, Thomas and Abby, for playing with me. Looking forward to my cookies . . .