Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Oh Sweet Girl . . ."

My niece hailey turned 6 (!!) a couple weeks ago and the boys and I had the pleasure of spending the whole day with her. I don't know why, but six strikes me as a pretty big deal, so we went all out, Drake style, and did up the day.

We had balloons and cake, streamers and songs, and all went out to get our hair done with sparkles. Hail and I painted our nails, celebratory style, and I actually just took off my alternating blue and purple hues today . . .

I was so excited to give Hailey a gift that I found for her quite awhile ago - a print by Manitobian artist/poet/hotmama/blogstress Kal Barteski. Click on Kal's name for her link.

As soon as I read it, I had to have it for my Hailey:

This is what the text says:

oh sweet girl
you live inside us all
don't you know
your beautiful princess heart
and glittery smile
make this world turn
you do.
hear with knowing
that you are
funny + beautiful
creative + smart
magically perfect
and loved
just as

Captures Hailey's little girl magic perfectly. Thank you, Kal. So gorgeous.

And Hailey tolerated a two minute photoshoot (literally) in between various festivities and this is what we came up with.

The rascals eating cake:

I think it's cool that these were taken ON her sixth birthday.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! We'll have to do it again next year . . .

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A little lady . . .

This little angel should have most certainly graced these pages last year . . . why oh why have I been keeping her all to myself? Hmmmmmm . . .

This is little "O" . . . and she is divine. Her Momma's belly was featured many a week back - can you match the belly to the baby?

The hat, oh, the hat - I know it's in many of these shots, but you must remember that I have two little boys and simply cannot control my gushes over pretty and pink.
And I think little girl babies smell "girlier" too - it's a theory. Every time I see O (I'm fortunate enough to get a whif of her every so often as she belongs to one of my gorgeous mamma friends), I seriously have to control myself a little. A lot. She smells so lovely.

On the day that I photographed her, still so tiny and new, I was struck by how she already completely fit in her family . . . she is a little sister to two adorable big brothers and she is a match. A perfect little puzzle piece. Okay, I'm laughing at myself now cause I'm getting so gushy . . . ha!

Enjoy. And smell you later, O . . .!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

More and Less . . .

Happy New Year! I know I've been vacant for a little while, and more on that later, but hello 2009!! I've been doing alot of thinking about what 2008 brought me, and what it didn't . . . and even more thinking about my hopes and thoughts for 2009. Things I plan to do with resolve.

The last year brought a few surprises and few disappointments. That's good. I travelled more. Took more pictures. Met great people and a few not so great. I neither lost nor gained a family member. Hmmm. Watched less tv. Drank more Pepsi. I took a trip just me, for me. I watched my children grow. I bought jeans that fit. I sang more. I found an old friend. Then another. I found direction. Then lost it. Then found it again. I felt pretty in a really pretty dress. I was proud of my family. I surprised myself. I held young hands. And old. I stood up for myself. Let myself down. I was thank-full. Regret-full. Peace-full. Beauty-filled.

This year, I will laugh more. Cry less. I will try to only do things that ultimately bring me joy. I will read more. I will sleep more. I will sleep more. I will sleep more. I will take vitamins. Take an unexpected trip. Play my piano. Play my guitar. Hug my parents often. Listen to new music everyday. Run like I mean it. Learn more from my children. Learn more from my friends. I will give more, and expect less. Both of, and to, myself and others. I will find my feet. I will write more. Learn to let go. I will make beautiful art and see it that way. Share more. Have less. Touch more. Dance more. Definitely will dance more. I will teach a class. Reconnect with someone important. Be more congruent outside and in. Leave a lighter footprint on the earth. Declutter. Decide. I will be more genuine and less impatient. I will continue to be in love. Be brave. Be happy.

I also wanted to share some new music that just makes my day. I found out there in cyberworld. I adore this song. Enjoy "in love, in love, in love" by songstress Valeri Lopez. I sure do . . .

Happy New Year . . . .