Thursday, February 7, 2008

All that I don't know, and a bit of what I do . . .

I am immersed in photography world! I spend all my spare time (albeit not very much, but still) looking at photography blogs or websites. I can't wait to fiddle in Photoshop . . . when I'm supposed to be sleeping, I'm thinking about color balance and levels and actions! I am feeling a bit excited and crazed, in a nice beer-buzz kind of way, about everything I'm learning. But I'm also overwhelmed by so much that I DON'T KNOW.

My nephew, Ray, lives in Saskatchewan. Yes, you hear me, Sas-katch-e-wan. This I do know: Saskatchewan is WAY TOO FAR AWAY for an Auntie. However, Ray was home for a good long visit at Christmas and I spent some time playing with my new camera on his sweet little face. In my recent attempts at learning how to process digital pictures, I have been putting together a collection of Ray for my brother and sister-in-law (sorry for the delay, guys).

I feel I must disclaimer these shots just a little. I took them in glaring sunlight in my family room - which (I must say) is a gorgeous color of rust. However, my lack of expertise (and my poor understanding of the light), rendered Ray's hair flourescent orange in a lot of the pics. Oops! And his hair is not even close to orange -- it's a delicious chocolate brown. But forget the hair, honey. The eyes!! You can't even describe Ray's eyes as anything else but SCRUMPTIOUS -- if his hair is of the milk chocolate variety, then his eyes are dark and way more than semi-sweet. I could just eat him up!!! See?

Even my increasing skill set in color balance cannot remedy the color casts (ooohhh -- see, a photography term) . . . but I couldn't help but post my beautiful Ray, orange-hued and all . . .

You can't describe Ray as anything other than darling. Really. And seeing my brother and my sister-in-law pour love for Ray out of every square inch of their beings is quite beyond words.

So for everything that I do not know, this is what I do: Ray-ray, I miss you. Love, Auntie Jenny.


Anonymous said...

The blog looks great, very cool!

The photos of Ray are awesome - can't wait to see you again.

Dana said...

Chris beat me...hmmm...this cold is wearing me down.

I like #1 and #3...thought I'd note it here as well...good to see that you are totally obsessed! Is there a 12 step program?