But even more exciting than that, I got to take pictures of not one, but count 'em, TWO little red-heads! Okay, okay, so I have a soft spot for little ginger dolls, but hello - take a look at these two and tell me you don't agree:

Turns out that Kev and I went to highschool with both parents in this set. Our community truly does hold true to six degrees of separation, but I'm so glad it does! We had fun, and avoided the rain, and talked toddler, and first birthdays and the like. Mr. D here is about one week older than my Jack . . . . happy first birthday buddy!

And sweet little K was up for exploring everything! I found a dandelion present in my camera bag when I got home. Awwww . . . .

Thank you guys for letting me capture you as you are. The kids were super-troopers and are so, so precious. C & B, I can't wait to show you ALL of the pictures - until then . . .

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