My family and I are so sick . . . turns out that when you opt out of getting the flu shot, you get the flu. Huh.
Don't worry everyone out there in the big world . . . we have kept our germs to ourselves and have been quarantined at home for the past week. I won't bore you with the gory details, but let me just say that our level of contagion and sickness has astounded me. My poor little boys. My poor husband (who doesn't have the flu but has to take care of us, which is worse?) But this too shall pass . . .
And strangely enough, turns out that one of the only things that seems to bring some sort of relief to my pathetic boys has been reading Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems.

He's always been one of my favorites, but we have this one (on loan from the library of course) with the CD and the boys will listen to it over and over again.
Aggle Flaggle Klabble! has become our saying for oh-my-goodness-every-inch-of-my-body-hurts-make-it-stop. Grab the book and have a read. Too cute.
snurp . . . .
Oh, and mini-session update! I had huge interest in the just because i want to sessions. Yay!! And even more than that, I had lots of people booking full sessions for spring and summer. Double yay!! I actually had more than one family book mini-sessions and then cancel, holding off for bigger sessions in the coming months.
So . . . why am I telling you this . . . this means that two spots have become available for mini-sessions . . . one on the 15th and one on the 21st. Email for more info if you are interested. And if you are interested in a session come spring or summer, send me a shout-out and we will get things rolling for that too!
And send us some get-well wishes. We need them :)
I hope you and your family feel better soon. I've been fighting it too the past few days. Maybe not as bad as you though. I am going to get that book from the library. We love the pigeon books. Thanks for the tip.
We're thinking about you. Get well soon!
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