not much to report -- well, lots of things going on, actually, but mostly that which keeps me away from my computer!
yesterday I got this in the mail:

it just happened to arrive on the SAME DAY as did the precious little one who will be wearing it in the next week or so . . .
i so normally would not go for something with ears, but can you say baby bear? come on. it is too cute.
i bought it on
etsy. through a lovely seller - karen - who has a little shop named
beachwalkphoto. if you don't know what
etsy is, you MUST check it out but be prepared to be forever converted to buying handmade. over the internet. frequently. while you salivate. and make small audible exclamations of "ooohhhh" "i want . . ." and "perrrrrrfeccct." seriously watch out.