do you live here?

or here?

oh, it was just me. i dashed around this morning and took pictures (excuse the snapshots, i was seriously running up, snap snap, running back) of doors that i like.
i'm starting a series of home reno projects in an attempt to bond with my house. we have alot of work to do, she and i. we're working on our owner-home relationship and we have a long way to go.
long-story short, i have never loved my house. i am madly, deeply, crazy in love with the people who live in my house, but not with the house. don't get me wrong, it is a much more than an adequate home. we are very fortunate to be able to call these walls our own. truly.
i was ready to love this house when we moved in, it just didn't happen.
among some amazing memories, the walls of this house saw some very sad days before we owned it (the prior owners are dear friends of ours and experienced profound loss in this home). and the summer that we moved in was one of the most difficult times we have ever experienced as a little family.
i think it is a little bit of their story, and a lot of ours, that has prevented me from settling into our HOME. we have been here almost four years. and i feel sure that we have found ourselves in this home for a reason. i just haven't been ready to consider it fully until now.
but, i'm ready. we're ready! yay! so here we go . . . we're starting with the front entrance. and you get to come along for the ride . . . i'll post a 'before' pic of our own sad door tomorrow . . .
oh yeah, i LERVE the teracotta door but our house lends itself to black . . . i need to find ways to say welcome and warmth with black. huh. help me out.
Hey sweetie...I can't believe you put all this about the house...I sort of feel the same way. Due to some things wrong with the house and it sort of always being this "it isn't what we want fully" feeling on Lon's part a bit we dont' ever settle and haven't really made it our own. Most of the furniture isn't even ours we got it given to us and blah I understand and still oddly feel like it isnt' going to happen. I love the location and would do it all to stay there but I am not the one doing so much of it and the other person....King of Procrastination and Avoidance.....I don't think he wants to stay but he doesnt' want to help to the leaving either....heavy sigh...I will live through you and your life changing relationship building with your home.
HUgs becca
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