Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Oh Sweet Girl . . ."

My niece hailey turned 6 (!!) a couple weeks ago and the boys and I had the pleasure of spending the whole day with her. I don't know why, but six strikes me as a pretty big deal, so we went all out, Drake style, and did up the day.

We had balloons and cake, streamers and songs, and all went out to get our hair done with sparkles. Hail and I painted our nails, celebratory style, and I actually just took off my alternating blue and purple hues today . . .

I was so excited to give Hailey a gift that I found for her quite awhile ago - a print by Manitobian artist/poet/hotmama/blogstress Kal Barteski. Click on Kal's name for her link.

As soon as I read it, I had to have it for my Hailey:

This is what the text says:

oh sweet girl
you live inside us all
don't you know
your beautiful princess heart
and glittery smile
make this world turn
you do.
hear with knowing
that you are
funny + beautiful
creative + smart
magically perfect
and loved
just as

Captures Hailey's little girl magic perfectly. Thank you, Kal. So gorgeous.

And Hailey tolerated a two minute photoshoot (literally) in between various festivities and this is what we came up with.

The rascals eating cake:

I think it's cool that these were taken ON her sixth birthday.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! We'll have to do it again next year . . .

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