Ha ha. That's me puttin' the brakes on a little bit. I haven't been blogging so much as I've been out taking pictures!! My fall got a little out of control on me there, so quickly so that I didn't even get to announcing my mini-shoots, etc. before they were gone!
I did get outside into the leaves and crispness, but also spent some time indoors with a couple of new babies. Oh, how I love new babies!!!! Their little scrunchiness, their downy little bodies . . . but don't let me get ahead of myself . . .
Before the babies, were the bellies. Here is a quick sample from one of my favorite belly-shoots to date. We had a totally great time and this couple just were so comfortable in each other's arms that they made it easy.

Are they not stunning? And then baby 'A' showed up within a week! Hmmmmm . . . I will let you see baby in coming weeks!

Also in coming weeks, my website. It's going a LOT slower than I had anticipated . . . for various reasons, not all (but some) photography related! My boys, Will and Jack, are keeping me hopping. Will turns four this week, can't BELIEVE it. My husband threw out his back. Oh no!! Poor Kev. And the list goes on, people! So I'm not booking anything further in October. As I have further info, I will roll it out to you!! But it may be a slo-o-o-o-o-o-w roll out. Slow is good, right?
I'm on my way to Saskatoon for a little prairie celebration with some of those that I love the most. Have a wonderful thanksgiving and may your hearts (and tummies) be full.
I am so happy to see Todd and Amanda's pictures here. They showed me all of them when I went over to see Alec. You do such amazing work and I am happy that you are doing so much. I know you had wanted to take this all slowly but when your good your good baby! And with that people will want to work with you!
Can't wait to work together again soon! Kisssssses
thanks for the comment anonymous. you are so not anonymous! LOL -- may you always remain my cheerleader . . . love it
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